Spoonsor a Sterilisation
Despite rising costs, sterilisation remains a priority for AWS PE.
Leaving two cats and their offspring unsterilised for a 10 year period can amount to between 2 097 152 and 80 399 780 cats! Allowing two dogs and their offspring to breed over a 10 year period can end up in 589 824 dogs being born!
By neutering your dog or cat you can help them live a happier, healthier, longer life. Neutering of male dogs and cats can prevent certain undesirable sexual behaviours, such as urine marking, humping, male aggression and the urge to roam. If you have more than one pet in your household, all the pets will generally get along better if they are sterilised.
A long-term benefit of spaying and neutering is improved health for both cats and dogs. Spaying females prior to their first heat cycle nearly eliminates the risk of breast cancer and totally prevents uterine infections and uterine cancer. Neutering males prevents testicular cancer and enlargement of the prostate gland, and greatly reduces their risk for perianal tumours. It has been proven that sterilised dogs and cats tend to live longer.
A donation of R500.00 will allow us to sterilise one dog or one cat and help curb the epidemic of uncontrolled breeding and unwanted animals. Please donate and make a contribution towards creating a better future for a dog/cat.