Leaving A Bequest In Your Will
There lies tremendous value in leaving a bequest to a charitable organisation in your will. After loved ones have been provided for, there is no better way to continue to support a cause in which you truly believe and wish to see enriched.
The lasting impact of bequests – both large and small – has helped shape AWS PE. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that a bequest to the AWS PE will help to ensure that stray, surrendered and abandoned animals continue to be given every chance to find a home where they can receive the love, comfort and attention they deserve. Bequests have also allowed us to buy modern veterinary equipment, and to implement many special programs, like the boundary fence, the Cattery Quarantine Block, and revamping the Puppy Block and Hospital 1.
Although bequests are the simplest and most popular form of planned gifts, your gift can consist of almost anything - money, vehicles, policies, works of art or property. Your timeless gift of a bequest or donation, no matter how big or small, is most gratefully received, sincerely appreciated and applied directly to our work at the AWS PE.
AWS PE is registered as a “Public Benefit Organisation” in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act (1962). This means that a bequest to AWS PE in a will, is deducted from the value of your estate, which may be subject to estate duty. Your gift to AWS PE will consequently be entirely free from estate duty and will reduce the portion of your estate which is subject to duty. In order for our organisation to receive your gift as you intended it, it will be necessary to use our legal name: The Animal Welfare Society (Port Elizabeth).
Please download our Bequests brochure, which includes the codicil to be filled out and attached to your will. If you would like to set up a meeting to discuss making a bequest to our society, please contact our Honorary Secretary at honsec@awspe.co.za.